Whispy high altitude clouds

Wispy Cloud Skyscape

So as you know I have been trying to capture an aircraft contrail across the moon this week. Whilst waiting for the correct elements to come together I took quite a few skyscapes featuring the ever changing cloud formations blowing across the sky.

Here is quick wispy cloud skyscape.

Wispy high altitude clouds

Wispy high altitude clouds blowing across blue sky

As with everything, I like to keep an eye out for photo opportunities when out, even if they aren’t related to the main objective. I just have to remember not to get too distracted and miss the shot I originally went out for lol!

Have you been distracted by a different subject whilst out and missed that golden opportunity you originally went out for? If so I’d love to hear the details.

cheers for now


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  1. Pingback: Wispy Sky | The Miserly Photographer

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